新西兰WTR类别 Working towards residence in New Zealand
2011年7月起,移民局将原先申请技术移民类别时发放的Work to Residence Visa改为了SMC Job Search Visa(签证性质未变)。
- Long Term Skill Shortage List
- Talent (Accredited Employers)
- Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports)
可以转永居的工签的基本申请要求 http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktoresidence/caniworkinnz/ 1. 身体健康; 2. 没有犯罪记录; 3. 护照有效期距离你离境日期至少3个月以上; 4. 新西兰工作意图真实; 5. 持有正确的签证类别; 6. 所从事的工作与签证类别一致; 7. 遵守新西兰法律; 8. 在签证允许的时间内在新西兰逗留;
1. 长期技能紧缺职业工作类别 Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Category
http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktoresidence/caniworkinnz/ltssloccupationrequirements.htm 如果申请人从事的工作为新西兰长期紧缺职业工作,可以申请此类别的签证。
- 有新西兰雇主的offer;
- 满足工作要求的培训经历或者工作经验要求;
- 如果职业是新西兰监管职业,你需要正式或临时的注册;
- 年龄在53周岁以下;
- 职业在新西兰长期紧缺职业清单LTSSL上;
- 工作真实;
- 全职(平均每周至少工作30小时);
- 工作期限至少2年;
- The offer of employment must be made by your employer on an Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113) PDF.
2. 认可雇主类别 Talent (Accredited Employers) Work Category
http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktoresidence/caniworkinnz/accreditedemployersrequirements.htm 如果申请人有新西兰认可雇主提供的工作offer,可以申请一个为期30个月的工作签证,工作满2年后可以申请居留签证。
- 经济状况良好;
- 一直致力于培训和雇佣新西兰本地人;
- 有健全的人力资源政策和工作场所;
- 如果需要每周工作40小时以上,工资必须按40小时/周的标准来发放。
Accredited employers are employers that we have pre-approved who need skilled or talented workers from overseas. To become accredited, employers have to prove to us that they:
- are financially viable
- are committed to training and employing New Zealanders
- have sound human resource and workplace policies and practices
- 身体健康
- 没有犯罪记录
- 55周岁及以下
- 如果职业是新西兰监管职业,你需要根据工作要求,进行正式或临时的注册。
- 全职(平均每周至少工作30小时);
- 工作期限至少2年;
- 总的基本年薪不少于5.5万纽币;
- 所从事的工作是雇主的主要业务;
- 雇主offer需包含以下内容:
- 雇主名称,地址和合同细节;
- 申请人的名字和地址;
- 工作职位或者工作名称;
- 工作地点;
- 工作类别,职责;
- 工资和工作条件细节,比如病假,节假日放假等;
- 工作对学历和经验的要求;
- 此职业在新西兰是否需要注册;
- 合同期限;
- how long the job offer is open for.
- An offer of employment must be current at the time we assess your application for a work visa.
- 寻找另外的认可的雇主,并向移民局申请签证条件变更;或者
- 如果申请人的基本年薪达到5.5万纽币,人可以申请变更签证条件为可以为未认可的雇主工作。
When you are here you must meet the conditions of your work visa. You may only work for an accredited New Zealand employer. If the accreditation of the employer you came to work for is cancelled or lapses, you will need to:
- find another accredited employer to work for and apply to us to have your work visa conditions changed or
- apply to us to have your work visa conditions changed to allow you to work for a non-accredited employer. We will make the change only if you are earning a base salary of at least NZ$55,000 per year (gross), and only after we have first considered all your employer’s – and your – circumstances.
3. 艺术、文化和体育工作类别 Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Work Category
- 55岁及以下;
- 在领域有杰出的才华(Exceptional talent);
- 在新西兰享受国家声誉的组织为其提供担保;
Exceptional talent定义:
- 在自己所从事的领域享有国际声誉并保持记录(对于运动员来说,意思就是你曾经代表国家队参加国际比赛);
- 在本领域仍然很杰出;
- 将会提升新西兰相关领域的成就。
新西兰WTR类别 : http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktoresidence/
##如何申请 WTR-Work to Residence Visa http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktoresidence/howdoiapply/
- 申请人在入境新西兰之前或者在新西兰合法停留的时候,可以申请WTR (Work to Residence Visa)
- 配偶或孩子不能包含在WTR申请中,他们需要申请访问、学习、工作签证才能入境新西兰
- 如果你持有work visa, 配偶可以申请Family Stream: http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/worktemporarily/requirements/Familystream.htm
- 两年以后,符合条件的话,可以申请Residence Visa,并且申请人需要在新西兰境内。
- 申请方式:在线申请和纸质申请, 详细请分别查看三种类别的WTR说明
- 在线申请 https://www.immigration.govt.nz/secure/Login+Work.htm
- 纸质申请 将申请材料递交到签证中心
After you are accepted
If you are already in New Zealand on a Work to Residence visa, after two years you can apply for residence. http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/residencefromwork/
即:获得WTR之后才可以进行Residence from work的申请