新西兰工签申请指南 新西兰工签转永居申请指南 新西兰WTR类别 新西兰银蕨类签证申请指南 新西兰长期技能紧缺职业工作类别 新西兰认可雇主类别 新西兰艺术、文化和体育工作类别 新西兰毕业生工作签证 新西兰工作交换项目类签证 新西兰外国渔船船员签证 新西兰公司核心雇员移民签证 新西兰基本技能类工作签证 新西兰特殊类别工作签证 新西兰工作签证家庭类别(Visa) 新西兰工作签证(中国技术人才类别) 新西兰工作签证(中国特殊人才类) 新西兰工作签证(中国特色职业政策和中国技术工人政策)申请流程 新西兰学生及实习生签证 新西兰主要部门实习生工作签证 新西兰-中国自由贸易协定下的技术性临时工作签证 新西兰季节工作签证-经认可的雇主担保类别 新西兰季节工作签证-补充性雇主担保类别



新西兰移民局自2012年7月30日开始执行新的父母类团聚移民政策。主要是将父母移民分为两类:一类(优先类)和二类(普通类)(Tier one 和Tier two)。


Tier one 大约为:12个月;Tier two EOI的周期最长可达:7年。



  1. 身体健康;
  2. 无犯罪记录;
  3. 没有受供养子女;
  4. 有满足条件的新西兰子女为你提供担保;
  5. 满足英语要求或者购买英语课程:
    • 雅思有2项4分或以上(2年之内),或证明是有能力使用英文者,或完成了英文授课的学历,或 萨摩公民通过移民官面试;
    • 在无法提供英文能力的情况下,申请人可以购买政府指定的英文课程ESOL(English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) tuition ),学费为1735纽币。ESOL的有效期为5年,申请人在5年之内学完即可。
  6. 满足tier one 或 tier two的要求。 7.某些情况下祖父母和监护人也可以申请:
    • 如果是祖父母申请,需证明担保人的父母已经去世(即申请人的子女已经去世了);
    • 如果是监护人申请,需证明担保人的父母已经去世。
  7. 符合条件的配偶可以随行。

Tier one(优先类)要求符合以下任何一个条件: http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/parent/eoi/tier1.htm

  • 主申请人(被担保人)“长期保证收入”为最低27319纽币每年,连带配偶一起申请为纽币40084每年;
  • 或者携带50万纽币的置业资金到新西兰(必须是合法收入合法转账,必须在移民批准时起1年内转入新西兰);
  • 担保人(子女)或者担保人的配偶有每年至少纽币65000的收入,或者担保人和配偶一共每年至少有纽币90000的收入。
  • You must meet one of the following criteria:
    • have a sponsor (or sponsor’s partner) who earns NZ$65,000 per annum or whose combined income is NZ$90,000 per annum
    • have a guaranteed lifetime minimum income of at least NZ$27,319 per annum or NZ$40,084 per annum if your partner is included bring at least NZ$500,000 in settlement funds to New Zealand.

Tier two( 普通类)需要符合条件为: http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/parent/eoi/tier2.htm - 担保人(子女)或者担保人的配偶至少有33675纽币的年收入。并且;
- 申请人(父母)的其他成年子女和申请人是不同一国家的居民(即且所有的成年子女都在你目前定居的国家之外合法定居)。

  • You must meet both of these requirements:
    • have a sponsor (or sponsor’s partner) who earns a gross income of at least NZ$33,675 – sponsors who receive New Zealand Government benefits are not eligible Tier Two sponsors
    • have all your adult children living lawfully and permanently outside the country in which you (and your partner) live lawfully and permanently.


http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/parent/Sponsorship.htm 1. 18周岁以上。但是在18岁-24岁之间的,移民局必须审核该子女是否被考虑为“未成年子女”,如果是未成年子女,那该子女就没有担保资格; 2. 常住在新西兰; 3. 递交申请前,持有新西兰永久居民签证或者成为新西兰公民至少3年,并且每年(12个月)在新西兰居住至少184天; 4. 没有受到2009年移民法案Section 49的限制; 5. 没被驱逐出境; 6. 满足财政要求; 7. 为被担保人提供帮助。


申请人首先需要提交移民意向申请EOI( Expression of Interest ),如果EOI被选中,移民局对其做初步评估发现满足要求后,会向申请人发出邀请函ITA(InvitationtoApply),申请人收到ITA后,需要在4个月内递交正式的签证申请。

Once your EOI has been selected, it will be sent to your nearest INZ branch for an initial assessment. If you appear to meet the requirements for the tier you have applied under, you will be invited to apply for residence under the Parent Category. You must lodge an application within four months of being invited to apply. If you do not, the invitation will lapse.

1. 最先优先选处理“一类”的移民意向,按照递交的时间顺序;
2. 第二优先处理在2012年5月16日之前递交的家庭类移民,按照递交的时间顺序;
3. 最后处理的是“二类”的移民意向,而且是在“一类”和旧政策2012年5月16日的申请都处理完了的情况下。

EOI每隔3个月进行一次筛选,每次筛选的数量,取决于家庭类移民年度名额。(The number of places available in each selection draw depends on the number of places available under the New Zealand Residence Programme.)

由于申请数量较多,预计2016年6月前,不会筛选tier two类别的EOI。下一轮的tier one类别EOI筛选日期是2016年5月16日。详细的EOI筛选时间可以参考官网: http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/parent/eoi/draw.htm


2016/02/15筛选情况: 总共筛选的EOI为740个,申请人总数为1264个。 2015/11/16筛选情况: 总共筛选的EOI为737个,申请人总数为1203个。

新西兰父母团聚EOI申请 http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/parent/Residence/ 申请人需要填写EOI申请表( Parent Category Expression of Interest Form (INZ 1202))(此表格无法在线提交),并将此申请表和420纽币的申请费,寄到:

Immigration New Zealand PO Box 276118 Auckland Mail Centre Auckland New Zealand


在中国申请父母团聚签证的费用(2015 年 12 月7 日更新的):

  • 申请费9365元人民币;
  • 申请人需要向签证中心支付签证服务费225元人民币;
  • 需要邮寄护照而非亲自前往签证中心取件的申请人,需要支付每本护照人民币50元的邮费

新西兰父母团聚移民申请指南 Residence: Family: Parent 继续讨论:

新西兰父母团聚移民材料清单 Residence: Family: Parent


请注意, 父母类别的申请应在收到新西兰移民局的书面移民申请邀请函之后进行. 如您有意向申请并获得邀请函, 请先完成移民局官方网站上的 “Expression of Interest (EOI)”. 具体信息请参见官方网站http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/parent/default.htm

移民局向您发出的 “Invitation to Apply (ITA)” 中所列出的您需要提供的材料

Immigration New Zealand reserves the right to request additional information in the course of assessing an application and to retain information and documents on file. 新西兰移民局有权在申请审理过程中要求申请人提交补充材料,并有权保留申请人提交的信息及材料。

If you provide false or misleading information your application may be declined. 如果您在申请中提供虚假或误导性信息,申请将可能被拒签。

Please Note: 请注意:

  • 所有材料必须递交原件或副本
  • 所有非英文材料必须有由有资质的翻译机构提供的英文译本。

  • Note for settlement funds:Parents applying under tier one of the Parent Category and attempting to meet requirements using settlement funds will need to transfer these funds to New Zealand. INZ requires settlement funds to be transferred through the banking system to ensure the continuous ownership of the funds during the application process. This policy applies to migrants of all nationalities. Applicants from China may find meeting this policy difficult because of local laws and regulations in China. There are no plans to change this policy as it is considered the best way of ensuring continuous ownership of funds. 安顿资金备注:申请第一类父母团聚移民的申请人,如果希望通过满足安顿资金的相关要求来获取签证,则必须将该资金转移至新西兰境内. 新西兰移民局要求申请人必须通过银行系统进行资金的转帐以确保在签证审理期间该资金归属的持续性. 此项政策适用于不同国家的申请人. 限于中国的法律法规,来自中国的申请人在满足该项政策时可能会遇到困难. 但是由于此项政策可以有效确保资金归属的持续性,我们没有修改该政策的计划.

**Documents required 所需材料 **

  • A completed and signed application form INZ 1206. 已填写完整并签字的申请表:INZ 1206.
  • A photocopy of the completed and signed application form INZ1206.填写完整并签字的移民申请表的复印件。
  • An Invitation to Apply letter from Immigration New Zealand 新西兰移民局签发的移民申请邀请信
  • Documents as requested in your Invitation to Apply for Residence under the Parent Category 父母类移民申请邀请信中要求的材料
  • Your Parent Category Expression of Interest INZ1202 (returned to you by INZ)你的父母类移民意愿申请表 INZ1202 (移民局已退还)
  • Current passports for every person included in the application此申请中包含的每个申请人的有效护照。
  • A copy of the identity pages of the passports of every person included in the application 申请中包括的所有申请人的护照个人资料页复印件
  • Two recent passport-sized photographs less than six months old for every person included in the application 此申请中包含的每个申请人的近期(六个月以内)护照照片 2 张
  • Household Register (Hukou) (CHINESE NATIONALS ONLY) Hong Kong /Macau ID Card (HONG KONG AND MACAU RESIDENTS ONLY)申请人的户口本(仅适用于中国公民),香港/澳门身份证复印件(仅适用于香港和澳门居民)
  • The correct application fee (available in the Fees Guide (INZ 1028) or on the Immigration website)正确的申请费(可参见 Fees Guide (INZ 1028) 费用指南或查询移民局网站)

  • For everyone included in the application, you must provide:

    • a completed General Medical Certificate (INZ 1007) which is less than 3 months old when the current application is made,unless a Medical Certificate has been provided to INZ in an earlier application and that medical certificate was issued less than 36 months prior to the current application, and
    • a completed Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096) which is less than 3 months old when the current application is made
  • Please note that a chest x-ray certificate is NOT required if:

    • a Chest X –ray Certificate has been provided to INZ in an earlier application and that chest x-ray certificate was issued less than 36 months prior to the current application, and
    • the applicant has not spent six consecutive months in China,Hong Kong or another country that is not a low-incidence country for tuberculosis (TB) since the previous chest x-ray certificate..
  • 每个包含在此申请中的申请人必须提交:

    • 完整的普通体检表 (INZ1007), 体检表的完成日期距递交申请之日应该少于 3 个月, 除非申请人已经在过去的申请中提交了体检表且该体检表的出具日期距此申请递交之日少于 36 个月; 以及
    • 完整的胸部 X 光表, 该表的完成日期距递交申请之日应该少于 3 个月,
  • 请注意以下情况无须重新提交胸部 X 光表:

    • 申请人已经在过去的申请中提交了胸部 X 光表且该表的出具日期距此申请递交之日少于 36 个月; 并且
    • 该申请人自之前的胸部 X 光表出具之日起未在中国, 香港或其他肺结合高发国家和地区连续居住 6 个月.

I have completed an E-medical 我已完成电子体检报告

  • Police certificate(s) for every person aged 17 years and over included in the application from for all countries of Citizenship and all countries they have lived in for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. The police certificates must be less than 6 months old when the application is submitted.
  • 17 岁和 17 岁以上的申请人的无刑事犯罪证明, 包括:
    • 申请人所具有公民身份国家出具的无刑事犯罪证明;
    • 申请人过去 10 年内曾经居留 12 个月或 12 个月以上的所有国家出具的无刑事犯罪证明.

无刑事犯罪证明的出具日期距递交申请之日应该少于 6 个月.

  • Chinese police certificate: The applicant’s notarized Police Clearance Certificate from China and
  • a photocopy of the original police clearance certificate letter issued by the local Public Security Bureau or Vice Squad (Please note that a police clearance certificate letter issued by an applicant’s work unit, work unit security department, street office or talent centre is not acceptable.)
  • 中国无刑事犯罪证明:申请人的未受刑事处分公证书以及由当地派出所或刑侦大队出具的未受刑事处分证明信的复印件。请注意我们不接受由申请人所在单位,单位保卫部,街道或人才中心出具的未受刑事处分证明信.
  • For police certificate from other countries please see how to obtain a Police Certificate for information on what to do更多其他国家的无刑事犯罪证明信息请参阅 how to obtain a PoliceCertificate (如何获取无刑事犯罪证明)。


With your residence category application please include the following documents. These are not mandatory requirements for the lodgement of your application, but they will be required in order for us to complete the processing of your application, so providing them at the time you submit your application will assist us when your application is allocated: 移民类申请同时需要提供以下辅助材料. 下列材料虽然不是递交您申请材料时的必须材料,但在签证审理过程中是需要提供的. 所以尽早提交以下材料有助于签证官审理您的签证.

**Documents required ** For all applicants instructed in their ‘Invitation To Apply’ email to complete a National Security Check Form - INZ 1209, please refer to the information below, which will assist you in accurately completing the Education History and Employment History sections of this form. 所有邀请函里的申请人必须完整填写表格INZ1209, 请参照以下信息,以帮助你准确的完成所需填写的教育和工作经历

For all applicants included in your application who are aged 17 years or over, a detailed list of their education and employment history written in English and set out in the format shown below:包括在申请中的每个 17 岁及 17 岁以上的中国籍申请人的英文简历, 内容需要涵盖每个申请人的教育和工作经历. 简历格式及具体要求如下:

Please note:注意事项:

  • If you have done tertiary study the education section should include details of all your tertiary studies and senior high school study. If you have not done tertiary study the education section should include details of your senior high, junior high and primary schools. 如果申请人有大学以上(大专/大本)学历或在读, 请从高中填起. 如果申请人有大学及以上学历或在读, 请从小学填起.
  • You MUST include the addresses of the education institutions you attended.一定要提供所有学校的地址.

Please note: 注意事项:

  • The employment section needs to cover your employment history for the past 10 years. If you are retired or unemployed now, please state the date you became retired or unemployed and provide your employment history for the 10 years before you left your last employment. 工作经历请填写过去 10 年的经历,包括公司名称,地址,职位,如果您已退休或失业,请提供您退休或失业时间, 和退休或失业前 10 年的工作经历.
  • If the positions are generic, e.g. manager/engineer/IT/teacher/university professor – please specify area of work/speciality/subject, e.g. Manager of Human Resources, Civil Engineer or University lecturer delivering marketing courses etc.填写职位时请清楚注明工作领域. 如果您是公司的经理,工程师,电脑技术人员或大学讲师等,请具体说明,如:人事部经理, 土木工程师或营销学科讲师等
  • If you are, or have been, self employed, please provide details of the nature of your business activities, e.g. Seafood Processing,and your actual position as director/shareholder etc. 自营职业者请注明您公司经营范围及您的职位(如:公司总经理或股东, 公司经营海鲜加工等)
  • You MUST include the addresses of your employers.一定要提供所有单位的地址

  • Original reference letter (with English translation), issued by your local Residency Committee or Public Security Bureau, listing all your children (including any who have died or been adopted out of the family) with details of their names and dates of birth.如果您有两个孩子或更多, 请提供当地居委会或派出所出具的写有您的子女总数及子女姓名和出生日期的证明原件和英文翻译件.(请注意这里所指的子女包括已过世的和被别人收养的子女.)
  • If you have only one child please provide your One Child Certificate with English translation.如果您只有一个孩子, 请提供独生子女证和英文翻译件




新西兰父母团聚移民申请官网(2015/02/23): http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/live/parent/
